Template a dbt package that models and documents all events in a tracking plan.

# NOTE - output below has been trimmed with ... to keep example concise 
reflekt dbt --name my-plan

12:47:10 Building Reflekt dbt package:
        cdp: segment
        analytics governance tool: avo
        tracking plan: my-plan
        warehouse: snowflake
        schema: patty_bar_web_staging
        dbt package name: reflekt_patty_bar_web_staging
        dbt package version: 0.1.0
        dbt package path: /Users/gclunies/Repos/reflekt/dbt-packages/reflekt_patty_bar_web_staging

12:46:52 Initializing template for dbt source patty_bar_web_staging

12:46:56 Templating table 'pages' in dbt source patty_bar_web_staging

12:46:56 Templating dbt model reflekt_patty_bar_web_staging__pages.sql
12:46:56     Adding {{ config(...) }} to model SQL
12:46:56     Adding source CTE to model SQL
12:46:56     Adding renamed CTE to model SQL
12:46:56     Adding column 'page_id' to model SQL

12:46:56 Templating dbt docs reflekt_patty_bar_web_staging__pages.yml for model reflekt_patty_bar_web_staging__pages.sql
12:46:56     Adding column 'page_id' to dbt docs

12:47:23 [SUCCESS] Created Reflekt dbt package 'reflekt_patty_bar_web_staging' at: /Users/gclunies/Repos/reflekt/dbt-packages/reflekt_patty_bar_web_staging

Would you like to create a Git tag to easily reference Reflekt dbt package reflekt_patty_bar_web_staging (version: 0.1.0) in your dbt project? [y/N]: N

Available arguments

reflekt dbt --help
Usage: reflekt dbt [OPTIONS]

  Build dbt package with sources, models, and docs based on tracking plan.

  -n, --name TEXT       Tracking plan name in your Reflekt project.
  -e, --event TEXT      Name of a single event to be tested (in kebab-case).
  -s, --schema TEXT     Schema Reflekt will search to look for raw event
                        tables that match tracking plan events.  [required]
  --force-version TEXT  Force Reflekt to template the dbt package with a
                        specified semantic version.
  --skip-git            Skip prompts at the end of templating to create Git
                        commit and tag.
  --commit              The git commit Reflekt should add after templating.
                        Commit format = 'build: reflekt_<project_name>_<cdp>/m
  --tag                 The git tag Reflekt should add after templating. Tag
                        format =
  --help                Show this message and exit.

Follow along - reflekt dbt
