Everything you need to get started.

<aside> 📍 To help you setup and start with confidence, you’ll find follow-along videos throughout these pages, supporting the written docs.


To reports bugs, or contribute, visit the **GitHub repo.**

Getting Started


Install Reflekt

Create a Reflekt project


reflekt -- help

reflekt init

reflekt new

reflekt pull

reflekt test

reflekt push

reflekt dbt


Reflekt Project Configuration

Reflekt Profile Configuration

Tracking Plans

dbt package templater


Demo Video

Using Reflekt

Recommended usage and workflows for supported analytics governance tools can be found at the links below.

Reflekt + Avo

Reflekt + Segment Protocols

How it Works

At a high level:

With these connections, Reflekt knows what events and properties you’ve planned while understanding how your CDP collects event data. Pairing this knowledge with the schema, table, and column information pulled from the warehouse, Reflekt can intelligently template dbt models and documentation accordingly.
